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Lesson 6: What Do I Eat?

Lesson 6: What Do I Eat?


Students will collect data using paper and pencil to understand the challenges of organizing, storing, and sharing data. They will learn that there must be an agreement about the variables that need to be recorded in order to attain consistency.


  1. Video: Jamie Oliver’s Food Revolution found at:

    Note: If the video is unavailable, search for "Jamie Oliver's Food Revolution What's In a Sundae". The video should be 5-6 minutes in length.

  2. Nutrition Facts labels or pictures (collected previously by students)

    Note: If needed, use Nutrition Facts Cutouts handout (LMR_U1_L6_A)

  3. Food Habits Data Collection handout (LMR_U1_L6_B)



Essential Concepts:

Essential Concepts:

After raising statistical investigative questions, we examine and record data to see if the questions are appropriate.


  1. Inform students that today’s lesson will focus on the Data Collection component of the Data Cycle.

  2. To motivate this, the students will watch a short video of an episode of Jamie Oliver’s show titled Food Revolution found at: This particular video was recorded at a Los Angeles high school.

    1. As the students watch the video, they should use their DS journals to write down their comments and/or reactions to what they see and hear and be ready to share out.

    2. After sharing out some of their responses, have the students respond to the following question in their DS journals: Why should I care about what I eat?

    3. Student teams will share their reactions and responses by engaging in a Silent Discussion (see Instructional Strategies in Teacher Resources).

  3. Have students recall the Stick Figures activity from Lesson 2. During that activity, they collected data about other people. But today, they are going to be collecting data about themselves and the foods they eat.

  4. Students should have Nutrition Facts labels available from food/snacks they consumed at home between the previous lesson and today. Note: If some students forgot to bring any, then you can pass out some of the Nutrition Facts Cutouts (LMR_U1_L6_A) for them to use instead.

  5. For 3-5 minutes, allow students to collect any data they can from the label and record it in their DS journals. This should be done individually.

  6. Once they have collected their facts, ask students to compare and contrast their data with their team members. They need to respond to:

    1. How are their datasets similar?

    2. How are their datasets different?

  7. Gather the students as a whole group and ask them to share out the similarities and differences they discussed. Be sure to draw responses that show that while some facts collected were the same, there were others that were collected by some students and not by others. Also point to differences in the variables collected and the data structure used.

    1. Ask students to engage in the following individual Quickwrite (see Instructional Strategies in Teacher Resources): How can the data you just gathered be quickly displayed and easily read?

    2. Distribute the Food Habits Data Collection handout (LMR_U1_L6_B). Ask students to record 8 observations. They can use their own 2 labels for the first observations, and then use some of their team members’ labels to complete the table.

  8. Once they are finished, in pairs, ask students to give a one-word identifier to each variable. For example: “What’s the name of your snack?” = Name

  9. Share the one-word variable identifiers with the class by conducting a quick team Whip Around (see Instructional Strategies in Teacher Resources).

  10. For homework, students will begin to formulate statistical investigative questions based on their Food Habits data.

  11. Inform students that they are permitted to bring mobile devices to the next class.

Class Scribes:

One team of students will give a brief talk to discuss what they think the 3 most important topics of the day were.


Ask students to examine the data in their Food Habits Data Collection handout (LMR_U1_L6_B) and to generate three statistical investigative questions (summary, comparison, association) that they think can be answered by the Food Habits data.

Students may bring their mobile devices to the next class for data collection purposes.