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Lesson 5: Refine and Create the Campaign

Lesson 5: Refine and Create the Campaign


Students will revise their community focused Participatory Sensing campaign according to the finding from the mock implementation of their campaign to refine it. Student teams will then create their campaigns using the campaign authoring tool.


  1. Campaign Authoring handout (LMR_U4_L5)

Essential Concepts:

Essential Concepts:

Statistical investigative questions guide a Participatory Sensing campaign so that we can learn about a community or ourselves. These campaigns should be tried before implementing to make sure they are collecting the data they are meant to collect and refined accordingly.


  1. Student teams will come together to discuss their findings regarding the mock implementation of their campaign. Allow them time to share their findings with their team members.

  2. Next, ask student teams to discuss the revisions they need to make according to their findings.

  3. Now they will use the Campaign Authoring tool to create a campaign like the ones they see on their smart devices or the computer.

  4. Distribute the Campaign Authoring handout (LMR_U4_L5). Each team will select a member to type the information required to create their campaign. Then, they will follow the instructions on the handout.

    Note: To name their campaign, a naming convention is suggested. Otherwise, you will have multiple campaigns with the same name. For example, teams may include their team name or number in order to easily identify their campaigns.

  5. Ask teams to refresh their campaigns on their smartphones or the web browser to verify that their campaign appears as one of the choices.

  6. Now that they are finished with their campaigns, student teams will use the remaining time to plan the expectations for their End of Unit 4 Model Eliciting Activity (MEA) Project.

Class Scribes:

One team of students will give a brief talk to discuss what they think the 3 most important topics of the day were.


Students may begin collecting data by implementing their Team Participatory Sensing campaign. They will have until the end of Unit 4 to collect data. Since only the members of their team will be involved in gathering data for their campaign, this allows them time to ensure they have a sufficient amount.