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Introduction to Data Science, https://www.idsucla.org

This website was last updated on September 12, 2024.

Changes that have been made to version 7.0

All Units

  • Naming convention of LMRs have been updated to match Unit and Lesson (example: LMR_1.1_Data Diary is now LMR_U1_L1)
  • All preloaded datasets have been updated to reflect original variable names (example: cdc gender variable is sex variable in original documentation)
  • cdc, atus, and futbol datasets have been updated to more recent data

Unit 1

  • Lesson 5: Oscar winners data has been updated
  • Lesson 14: LMR_U1_L14_B and LMR_U1_L14_D use sex variable instead of gender
  • Practicum: The Summaries: Third example uses sex variable instead of gender

Unit 2

  • Lesson 9: Changed "biased" to "unfair"
  • Lesson 17: Changed household size to household activities (atus variable change)

Unit 3

  • Lesson 8: Updated spurious correlations images/examples due to update in spurious correlations website
  • Lesson 21: Lesson now compares HTML code to XML code (via website viewer), LMR has been udpated to reflect changes in lesson
  • Lesson 22: Lesson now goes through how to convert XML code to data table in RStudio, LMR has been updated to reflect changes in lesson

Changes that have been made to version 6.0

All Units

  • Labs now also have text which direct students to complete tasks within the RStudio/Posit interface in blue font
  • GPS no longer reports precise location
  • There are anonymized datasets available for the Food Habits, Personality Colors, and Time Use (unformatted) Campaigns. They can be accessed by running the following code:

Unit 1

  • Food Habits and Time Use campaign questions, in the campaign guidelines, have been modified for clarity
  • Lesson 1: LMR_1.1 changed "Facebook" to "TikTok"
  • Lesson 14: updated LMR_1.16 with new data/color palette
  • Lesson 17: updated plots and cleaned up formatting on LMR_118
  • Lab 1B has more clarification on options/arguments
  • Labs 1C and 1F now have embedded videos to help guide students
  • Lab 1D has more explanation about filtering and the assignment operator

Unit 2

  • Stress/Chill campaign questions have been modified for clarity (and picture question has been removed)

Unit 3

Unit 4

  • Section 1 is now Campaigns and Community where we set the stage for the End of Unit Project (also updated)
  • Section 2 has been rehauled to improve the flow for the lessons on linear regression
  • Section 2 also caps off with non-linear models with Lesson 13: Improving your Model (previously Lesson 14)
  • Section 3 is now Piecing it Together with only the two lessons on multivariable regression
  • The lessons in Section 4 have been slightly rearranged - part of Lesson 17 was moved to Lesson 16 for better building of concepts.
  • Lesson 18: the LMR was modified for clarity. We also added instructions for the k-means clustering app.
  • The End of Unit Project is student choice around a community issue
  • Unit 4 Assessments have been updated (access through the Documents tool on Portal) - link to lungs data and solutions.
  • Lab 4D lab solutions, MSE for 2nd variable changed to use y-variable, critics_rating, in residual calculation/code