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Introduction to Data Science Daily Overview: Unit 4


Unit 4

Daily Overview: Unit 4

Theme Day Lessons and Labs Campaign Topics Page
(5 days)
1 Lesson 1: Trash Modeling to answer real world problems, official datasets 304
2 Lesson 2: Drought Exploratory data analysis, campaign creation 307
3 Lesson 3: Community Connection Community topic research, campaign creation 309
4 Lesson 4: Evaluate and Implement the Campaign Evaluate & mock implement campaign 312
5^ Lesson 5: Refine and Create the Campaign Team Campaign—data Revise and edit campaign, data collection 314
and Models
(14 days)
6 Lesson 6: Statistical Predictions Using One Variable Team Campaign—data One-variable predictions using a rule 317
7 Lesson 7: Statistical Predictions by Applying the Rule Team Campaign—data Predictions applying mean square error, mean absolute error 319
8 Lesson 8: Statistical Predictions Using Two Variables Team Campaign—data Two-variable statistical predictions, scatterplots 323
9 Lesson 9: The Spaghetti Line Team Campaign—data Estimate line of best fit, single linear regression 326
10 LAB 4A: If the Line Fits… Team Campaign—data Estimate line of best fit 328
11 Lesson 10: What’s the Best Line? Team Campaign—data Predictions based on linear models 330
12 LAB 4B: What’s the Score? Team Campaign—data Comparing predictions to real data 333
13 LAB 4C: Cross-Validation Team Campaign—data Use training and test data for predictions 335
14 Lesson 11: What’s the Trend? Team Campaign—data Trend, associations, linear model 338
15 Lesson 12: How Strong Is It? Team Campaign—data Correlation coefficient, strength of trend 342
16 LAB 4D: Interpreting Correlations Team Campaign—data Use correlation coefficient to determine best model 345
17 Lesson 13: Improving Your Model Team Campaign—data Non-linear regression 348
18 LAB 4E: Some Models Have Curves Team Campaign—data Non-linear regression 350
19 Practicum: Predictions Team Campaign—data Linear regression 352
Piecing it
(3 days)
20 Lesson 14: More Variables to Make Better Predictions Team Campaign—data Multiple linear regression 354
21 Lesson 15: Combination of Variables Team Campaign—data Multiple linear regression 357
22 LAB 4F: This Model Is Big Enough for All of Us Team Campaign—data Multiple linear regression 360
(3 days)
23 Lesson 16: Footbal or Futbol? Team Campaign—data Multiple predictors, classifying into groups, decision trees 362
24 Lesson 17: Grow Your Own Decision Tree Team Campaign—data Decision trees based on training and test data 368
25 LAB 4G: Growing Trees Team Campaign—data Decision trees to classify observations 372
Ties that
(3 days)
26 Lesson 18: Where Do I Belong? Team Campaign—data Clustering, k-means 376
27 LAB 4H: Finding Clusters Team Campaign—data Clustering, k-means 382
28+ Lesson 19: Our Class Network Team Campaign—data Clustering, networks 384
End of Unit
(7 days)
End of Unit 4 Modeling Activity Project Team Campaign Synthesis of above 387

^=Data collection window begins.

+=Data collection window ends.